Wednesday, October 25, 2006


A recent article, using the eye-catching example of a federal appellate judge resigning his seat for a corporate job, highlights the growing role on in-house legal staff.

The legal field is, in my opinion, still in a state of transition. The proliferation of lawyers from the baby boom generation changed the face of the practice, just as it did much of the rest of society. The sheer numbers played important roles in redefining what it meant to be a lawyer and the roles advocates can play, for better or for worse. Without massive numbers of lawyers, we wouldn't have the ability to properly staff legal services offices. At the same time, we probably wouldn't have billboards for fiercely competing personal injury firms every other block if there were fewer lawyers. It will be interesting to see how the field continues to evolve as today's partners retire and the next generation may not find as many options and openings. Or, at least, so I speculatively theorize as someone that would like to see the return of a less-commercialized and more "professional" profession.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too, would like to see a more "professional" profession, although I must say that as in any population, it is only a small number of attorneys that make the legal profession seem less professional.

One thing about the good old days that I an glad is long gone are the days of writing legal documents by hand or using a typewriter! Computers are quite wonderful for that . . . and also for reading intriguing blogs such as yours!

would like to see the return of a less-commercialized and more "professional" profession.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous attorney jobs houston said...

It's wise to start your search by visiting large job sites because of the sheer number of listings offered. In addition, employers of all sizes and in every industry are apt to list their job openings on sites with strong brand recognition.

10:19 AM  

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