Thursday, February 08, 2007

Erie Co.: Former Legislature Chairman Removed

An interesting saga is going on just to our north, in Erie County. George Holt, a scandal-plagued former chairman of the county legislature, recently pleaded guilty to a tax evasion charge. He claims the DA told him the plea wouldn't have an effect on his elected position. The County Attorney disagreed, issuing an opinion that the seat was vacated by the conviction under the Public Officers Law. Holt sued, for an injunction preserving his seat, and the State Supreme Court ruled against him. Holt has claimed racial reasons are behind the removal, citing a former legislator who was not removed after a DWI conviction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the DA was stating that resignation wasn't a condition of the plea agreement. Maybe Holt should sue his lawyer for malpractice. It was his job to examine all the issues, not the DA's job to advise Holt of the legal issues.

Rod Watson wrote an execellent article about how claiming it is legal lynching and is about race is a slap in the face to all those who truly experience racism.

He is right. Holt minimizes and devalues every person's experience with real discrimination, be it racial or relious, or gender, or orientation by playing a spurious race card.

It just goes to show you how pathetic Holt really is, and how in the end, a person like Holt, shirks his own culpability. Wait... isn't that how he ended up with a criminal plea deal????

10:39 AM  

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